Crataegus 30g

  • It works as antioxidants
  • It has strong cardiotonic & vasodilating properties
  • Improves blood circulation
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Hawthorn is reported to have strong cardiotonic, vasodilating and hypotensive properties. It has been used for heart failure, myocardial anemia, paroxysmal tachycardia, hypertension, and Buerger's disease.

The flowers, leaves and fruits contribute positively to the solution of serious heart problems. They act as antioxidants protecting heart tissues from damage. They relax the arteries that are responsible for blood supply to the myocardium, which improves blood flow and relieves angina pectoris. They balance the pulse of the heart thus making its function more efficient. This action is useful in cases of heart failure. Helps reduce high blood pressure. Of course, we do not use it if we are simultaneously taking medication for high blood pressure because there is a fear of lowering our pressure more than it should.

 It seems strange that hawthorn can help with hypertension as well as hypotension. This is due to the action of the herb which normalizes cardiac function. That is, in its ability to relax or stimulate the heart, depending on what is needed. Strengthening the contraction of the heart muscle helps with hypotension problems but the parallel ability of the herb to cause dilation of the vessels of the coronary circulation helps with hypertension problems.

How to use: The tea from the leaves and flowers is safe and has no toxic effect. It is prepared as an infusion (we leave it in boiling water for 20 minutes) and the daily dose is 2-4 grams. The fruits are prepared as a decoction (boiled for 10 minutes) and the daily dose is 2-4 grams. In problems of hypertension and poor circulation it combines well with achillea, linden and ixos.

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