Cross Ball Professional 10kg (X-FIT)

  • Specialized heavy balls
  • Ideal for Cross Training
  • Smooth and durable construction
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The whole body takes a beating with X-FIT’s Cross balls. The squat part of the exercise focuses on the lower-body muscles – your quads, glutes, calves and hamstrings – before the throw section powers up your chest, back, shoulders and arms. The entire movement also works the core and gets the heart pumping.

Cross Balls are a staple of a CrossTraining Workout. The movement of taking a weighted ball, performing a squat and then projecting the ball upward to a target on the wall is the pure example of core to extremity. ...

Cross  balls are an awesome cardio respiratory exercise. Set to not only light up your muscles, but give your heart and lungs a good workout. A simple exercise to increase both your aerobic and anaerobic capacity.

Calories burned: A 80kgr person can burn 300 calories in 30 minutes. If you've never scaled a wall with the goal of burning as many calories as possible before reaching the top, you're missing out on a major fitness motivator.

Caution: Crossballs PU are not designed to be thrown down to the floor from big height. With such hard use very easily destroyed, and we are not obliged to replace them.



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